Friday, March 23, 2007

In the beginning....or explination for the name

In the beginning there was great confusion over what to do since my laptop was acting "weird". Then there was astonishment when I was able to begin blog creation....followed by a loss of words to name it. After looking around my desk for help I was reminded of my children and their creativity. It didn't take more then looking at the dividing wall between the living room and dining room to find inspiration. Yes...there really are scribbled walls in my house and a sharpie marker is the medium of choice in this instance. Yes, there are more marks...scribbles in red, blue, and a few other crayon colors as well on the hallway walls. Most of these works of arts were done by my daughter Zoe(3) and have not been erased or cleaned because we will be repainting the walls soon. I'll probably miss the marks for a while before I get accustomed to their absence.